Jolana is a 20+ year TV and radio broadcasting veteran who absolutely love skiing, sailing, & scuba diving. The arts and photography also play a role in her life when she's not on the air or writing articles for Townsquare Media.
Jolana Miller
Never Wear These Four Colors to a Job Interview
Wear these colors instead.
Top 20 Movies That Make Grown Men Cry
Pass the tissues.
You Need Proof of $2,000 in the Bank to Travel to These Countries
Show me the money!
A Special Honor Being Forever Bestowed on Betty White This Year
Yes! It's about time.
True or False: Low Gas Levels and Freezing Cold Weather Can Cost You
Is that half-tank rule set in stone for safety?
Urgent Milk Recall Underway
Seems like food and beverage recalls are a monthly thing now.
The Health Risks of Having Ice in Your Drink on a Plane
Sit back, relax, and don't enjoy the ice.
Fun Fact: Why Our Knit Hats Have Fluffy Balls on Top
Does your favorite hat have a pom pom?
Awww! Watch Excited Shelter Dogs Choose Their Christmas Toy
Some pups are meticulous while others dive into the toys.