Daroga State Park To Get New Playground
Changes are in store this month for the playground at Daroga State Park along Highway 97 and Lake Entiat. The Chelan Public Utilities District (PUD) is replacing the equipment.
"After 25 years, we had to make a decision whether to continue to maintain it and repair it or just invest in new, code compliant and accessible features for that playground. So we decided it was time for something new to help keep up with the changing expectations." PUD Spokesperson Rachel Hansen said.
Last year the PUD reached out to the community with an online survey to learn what kind of features the kids would enjoy. A popular request was replacing the ground surface.
"That was actually one of the main comments when we surveyed the community. They wanted a new rubberized surface. So we included that in the plan." Hansen said.
Crews will start bringing out their equipment April 10th with construction expected to begin later that week. The grand opening is slated for late May.

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