Honk, Honk! Almost Time for Wenatchee’s Touch A Truck
If you've never jumped into a helicopter or a police vehicle, you'll have a chance to do so this weekend.
More than 60 vehicles from a number of agencies will be on display for the annual Touch a Truck event.
Callie Klein with the Women's Service League of North Central Washington says it's her favorite event as chairman of the organization.
"And this is our event for the entire family, for the little kids, the big kids, the young at heart, everybody in between," Klein said. "Everything from fire trucks, police vehicles, construction vehicle, military vehicles."
Klein says she's planning on three helicopters to be on-site as well.
"The plan is they will come and land at the beginning. They are hoping that it will be able to take off around noon and then land again. Then they will take off again at the end of the day." Klein said.
The event will take place at Wenatchee Valley College on Saturday from 10am to 2pm. Don't arrive too early if your kids intend to hit the horns and blast the sirens.
"For the sensitive kiddos that don't like the lights, the sirens, the horns, we do have a quiet hour from 10 to 11. And then from 11 to 2, it goes gangbusters. We have lights sirens, the whole nine yards, but we do provide earplugs."
Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for kids. Up to two years old is free. A dollar will be discounted if you bring canned food items.
Proceeds from this event benefit non-profit organizations and other organizations who help kids in need through the league's grant process.
If you're unfamiliar with Women's Service League (WSL) of North Central Washington, they strive to build community through the empowerment of women and volunteerism.
This October, WSL will hold a diaper drive at different locations such as Fred Meyer and Wal-Mart.
The largest WSL fundraiser of the year is Girlfriend's Closet, typically held in March. Donations of women's clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories are collected. This year, WSL collected nearly $90,000 for grants and scholarships.
And the weekend after Girlfriend's closet is the Prom Dress Giveaway. Prom dresses, shoes and accessories are collected over the course of a year for high schoolers to select, free of charge. WSL gives away 300 to 400 dresses each year.

Monster Trucks