Which Washington State City Personality Are YOU? [quiz]
Which WA City Personality Are YOU?
If your personality were a city in Washington state, which one(s) do you think you would be? If money were no object, which city in Washington state would you like to live? There is only one condition–the city HAS to be here in Washington. Would you mind blending in with the locals in a city that fits your personality?
I love taking personality quizzes. I don’t always believe the results, but it’s so much fun to see what a quiz will reveal about me to me. We are all complex individuals and sometimes we are a blend of multiple personality types, but typically, your “type” leans in a certain direction over all the others.
Discover Your Personality's True Washington State City!
I have created a fun quiz for you. There are no wrong answers in this quiz; YOU get to choose what feels good to you. The results are tabulated on your responses. Keep in mind, this is just a game for entertainment purposes, so if you find out that the city that matches closest to your personality is somewhere out in the boonies, don’t get mad, BE GLAD.

I have carefully chosen 15 questions to figure you out.
I want to know what makes you tick. I'm about to get all up in your business! 😂 I want to pick items from a list of 5 choices. Based on your choices, this quiz will let you know if you have "Big City Britches", a "Resting B***h Face", are you "Country as Cornbread"? Do you have "Small Town Charm" in your bones, or are you an artsy-fartsy type who deserves to live your best life in an eclectic Washington state town?
Let’s find out what resonates! I hope you enjoy my quiz that you can take in the link below.
Which Washington State City Matches Your Personality?
Take my Washington state city personality quiz here.
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