Chelan County Looking For Citizens To Serve Property Tax Board
Chelan County is looking for residents who are interested in serving on its Board of Equalization.
Commissioner Shon Smith says the board serves a critical function for property owners in the county who are appealing the assessed values of their land and homes.
"We're always looking for new members to jump on that board to come in and help us evaluate property taxes and evaluations on properties. We're currently searching for three members who can come in and give their time to help residents work with our Assessor's Office."
Smith says ideal candidates would have a background in areas such as real estate, accounting, and administrative or tax law.

He adds it's also one of the few paid board positions offered by the County.
"We give our Board of Equalization members $135 per day, and of course there's a delicious lunch for them too and it's a great time working with the other folks we have here at the County. The qualifications are very low but the expectations are very high. We're looking for good, quality people here in the community who want to make an impact without having to make a commitment to a one-year or four-year elected position."
The board meets approximately three times per week for six weeks annually at the commissioner's office in Wenatchee.
Those who are interested should contact board clerk Kirsi Jones at 509-667-6220.