Eastmont School Bond Package Fails For 2nd Time In Two Months
The Eastmont School District's $117 million capital bond package has failed to pass a public vote for the second time in two months.
Ballot results released Friday morning show the measure further short of the 60 percent approval requirement than the previous vote in February.
The bond is getting 58.91 percent approval with about 100 votes left to be counted, which means it mathematically has no chance of passing.
The next ballot count won't take place until May 3rd when election results will be certified.
The bond has 5,057 "yes" votes and would need 5210 votes to pass.
The package fell just 34 votes short of passing in February, with the final tally showing 59.56 percent of the 60 percent needed for voter approval.
The vote total in the current election has no chance of even reaching that level.
Douglas County Auditor Thad Duvall told KPQ there's a possibility there are more than 100 votes left to be counted since mail could be delayed as it is now being processed through Spokane. He said the bond would be a long shot to pass.
According to the district, the bond would have modernized three of Eastmont’s oldest and most overcrowded schools - Cascade, Kenroy, and Lee Elementary - and include major upgrades at Rock Island Elementary.
In addition, the district says the State Legislature’s recent increase in state-provided construction funds would have increased the state match for the project by $7 million - $20 million to $27 million.