Just when you thought it was safe to answer the door when somebody Comes A-knocking, Girl Scout cookie season has begun. Girl Scout Cookies are one of the key impulse buys that is the downfall of pretty much anybody's diet and if you have a particular favorite cookie, you might want to stock up this year because it may go away next year. 

Girl Scouts Sell Cookies From Street Trucks In New York City
Getty Images

Two cookie flavors will disappear after this 2025 season, S’mores” and “Toast-Yay! I have to tell you, I have never tasted either one of these cookie flavors, but that's because I immediately go for the Thin Mint. (It is the best.) 

As impulse items go, Girl Scout cookies really are incredible. You see the cute little Girl Scout, probably the daughter of a coworker. How do you face somebody like that and say no, you just can't. So, you wind up buying 10 boxes of Thin Mint cookies. (No, that didn't happen to me.)  

Girl Scouts Sell Cookies From Street Trucks In New York City
Getty Images

The price is going up 

Just like everything else in this world, the price of Girl Scout cookies has gone up as well so brace yourself.  

According to msn.com,
The price of a box could cost $7 — an increase of $1 from the last two years. The organization last hiked prices to $6 in 2023, citing “rising production and material costs.” Prior to that, the cookies increased in price from $4 to $5 a box in 2015.’ 

Girl Scout Cookie Time

One year a coworker of mine brought his daughter down and they went through the entire building office by office During business hours, the kid made a killing. 

By the way, don't complain about the price of the cookies, the cost for a child to become a Girl Scout is getting higher as well. Membership dues will rise to $45 a year in 2026 and again go up to $65 in 2027. 

Girl Scouts Of The USA And National Park Service Host A Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony At The Golden Gate Bridge
Steve Jennings

When the Girl Scouts come knocking on your door. By the cookies, 

and try not to eat them all on the first day. 

The Girl Scouts are retiring two cookie flavors after this season
Girl Scouts plan to retire 2 cookies at the end of the 2025 season: See flavors 

How much a box of Girl Scout cookies costs throughout the years

February is the time of year we see Girl Scouts out hustling hard to sell their scrumptious cookies. We all know that the price of a box has gone up, but do you know how much the price has increased? Thanks to finance.yahoo.com, we now know.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

Do You Remember These Girl Scout Cookie Flavors?

Can You Remember Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookie growing up?

As much as we enjoy Girl Scout Cookies in 2023, we often miss the ones that we used to love growing up. Have you heard of my personal favorite Girl Scout Cookies that are now retired?

Shortbread cookies are always a win. This Girl Scout Cookie was dipped in chocolate and it also had a friendly message on it. It had the words "Thank You" on it.

Ole Oles
These powdered sugar cookies were delicious. They also had pecans and coconut mixed in and were reduced fat.

Lemon Chalet Creme
This was one of my favorite lemon cookies to ever exist. How could a lemon sandwich cookie ever go wrong? The added cinnamon and ginger made it one of a kind.

I remember that these cookies were named after the founder of The Girl Scouts, Juliette Low. It reminded me of a chocolate turtle with its being covered in caramel, pecans and milk chocolate.

Ra Ra Raisens
This was unlike your ordinary raisin cookie. This Girl Scout Cookie brought in oatmeal and yogurt chips with the raisins.

Savannah Smiles
This Girl Scout Cookie knew how to put a smile on your face. They were lemon wedge cookies with powdered sugar.

Which Girl Scout Cookies Are Your Favorite?

I loved the Girl Scout Cookies that were discontinued but also enjoy the present day one as well.

Gallery Credit: Allison Kay

Ranking The Best Girl Scout Cookies

Ranking my favorite Girl Scout Cookies!

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman


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