Yes, I know, summer went by way too quick, and now it's time to drop some hard-earned money on Back-to-school supplies!

Buying school clothes can be a feat within itself, but man, you skip getting those school supplies until the last minute? You might be fresh out of luck!


Let's get ahead of the curb and just go ahead and get those supply lists, and head to the store.

Eastmont School District School Supplies Lists:

Wenatchee School District School Supplies Lists:

For the full list of schools and their specifics, click here.

Cashmere School District School Supplies Lists:

  • Vale Elementary - Click Here
  • Middle School - Click Here
  • High School - (Could not find a current supply list)

Quincy School District School Supplies Lists:

Click here for all the different schools.

Waterville School Supplies List:

Talk about a school that just has it together! It about made me cry when I read,

"All required school supplies are provided by Waterville School District." Source

Simply put, yet Simply amazing!

2024-2025 School Year is about to be in full swing.

Make sure you and your children are prepared, ready and excited! I know my personal favorite about even the first days of school would be, choosing the outfit, getting to use my favorite new pens and being able to decorate my lockers. Some of the best memories had been with the huge pink erasers that you can probably still smell. Good luck students! And Parents, you made it to another school year, take a breath!


14 Most Expensive Items When Going Back to School

When preparing for a new school year here is a look at some of the most expensive items you'll need to purchase.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

Four Tips for Safe Back-to-School Photos

Gallery Credit: Courtesy: Child Rescue Coalition

11 Essentials on Michigan 80's Kid Back-to-School Shopping List

Forget TI-85s, tablets, and laptops. Shopping for school supplies in the '80s was more about personality than technology. Take a walk down memory lane with a look at 11 Essentials on Every '80s Kid's Back-to-School Shopping List.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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