This past Saturday, I ran/power-hiked up to Saddle Rock.

If you live close enough to view it - The iconic Saddle Rock hill is currently clothed in its Winter attire of snow and ice. I slipped on my MICROspikes, before heading up. 

This is my first time up there, since its reopening in late October. 

I took my favorite route up to “The Bears”  via - The Service Elevator, described here a couple weeks ago.


Photo Credit: Strava


Going up, I kept an easy pace on the steep snow and ice.

I noticed deer tracks in the snow - no human has braved the Winter trail conditions on the steep route up. Once at the top and after touching both horns (or Bears) of Saddle Rock, I started for home.

On this day, heading down the Jacobson Preserve side of the hill towards the WRAC (Wenatchee Racquet & Athletic Club) is a slow go.

The “single track” of hardened snow and ice is narrow.

Further down the hill - the snowy trail became slightly wider, allowing me to pick up the pace a bit.

Then I heard the sound of something behind me. 

I quickly look back anticipating an animal.

It was thankfully another trail runner.

I waved to this person on - to pass and get in front of me. She was hauling butt down the mountain. I sped up to stay - somewhat close behind. She was picking correct lines and I followed in her slipstream.

“You really scared me - I thought you were a mountain lion or something!” 

“Are you wearing spikes?” 

“Yes. I am”

A couple more zig and zags and she took a route, different then I normally take to get to the bottom of the trail head.

"Take care!"

I continued on - with this newly found fast pace on the snow.

I quickly got down to the small bench at the bottom of the Jacobson Preserve - slipped off my spikes & headed for home.

It was on the last mile, or so, to get to my house - that I felt it in my legs.

I really pounded hard - down the hill at a fast clip.

The next day, I did a slow recovery jog on the Wenatchee Worx Gym treadmill. In the evening the soreness started creeping in.

DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

If I take a break from running hills - my first hill session back - will usually result in muscle soreness (DOMS) a day or two later.

I have been running hills on a weekly basis.

I just haven't slammed down the hammer like that - on the downhill - in quite some time.

What should we do when the soreness sets in? Rest and stay away from any activity? I Googled it and found this answer:


Can I Run With DOMS? You might feel stiff and sore, but you can run while experiencing DOMS—especially if the soreness is mild. “Moving and continuing exercise can actually help lessen the pain and ease the stiffness associated with DOMS,” says Trentacosta.

This is really good to read. I further read this:

Should I work out with DOMS?

As long as the pain you’re feeling is DOMS and not something more serious, such as a muscle tear or sprain, then you should be good to keep exercising. There are a few caveats though:

  1. Make sure you do a warm-up first as this will help ease any soreness (but you do this before every workout already, right?)
  1. Try a different form of exercise or work different muscle groups, both for comfort and to give those muscles the time they need to recover. So if your legs are aching, do an arm workout, or choose a low-impact option like swimming or cycling. In most cases, back-to-back tough workouts are best avoided to give your body time to rest and repair.
  1. Keep an eye on your pain levels. If the discomfort and stiffness don’t ease after a few minutes of warming up and working out then it may be time to take a rain check.  -

So choosing an active and easy activity to work through the soreness is good.

Okay, I’ll catch you later - Gotta get changed to go for an easy run outside.

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