Summer Skincare tips for life East of the Cascades
I usually do a great job staying out of the Sun during the usual "Intense Summer Sunshine hours" of 10am to 4pm.
This past Saturday, I was outside from 8:30am to 1pm, at my son's soccer jamboree at Foothills Middle School in Wenatchee.
The weekend before I was in the Sun for THREE DAYS, at the Crossfire Soccer tournament in Redmond. My wife and I did a great job of getting sunblock on our son - or so we thought. We put SPF 30 on his face, arms, neck earlobes, and his legs.
MY Summer skin routine is usually just applying sunblock - if I am going on a midday bike ride or for a run. I could take care of my skin better, since I live in Wenatchee - Where we get an average of 200 plus days of sunshine per year.
This morning, I just stumbled across an article by a dermatologist, Dr. Julia Tzu, who gave insight on what she does differently, for her skin, during the Summer months. I'm grateful that i saw this!
Tip number one: Use sunblock with AT LEAST SPF 40
Her Winter sunblock recommendation is using products with SPF 30...Summer months require even more protection from damaging and hazardous UV rays. I'm so glad I read this.
Tip Number two: Exfoliate more frequently
I've seen exfoliation brushes in my shower. My wife takes seemingly good care of her skin. I on other hand have never exfoliated. Ever. (I should jump on the Loofah bandwagon)
Tip Number Three: Increase the strength and frequency of topical retinoids
I learned that you can prevent pore-clogging from having "oily or combination skin" by using retinoids: Over the counter or with a prescription. Dr. Tzu uses these daily during the Summer and less frequent usage - and with a weaker prescription during the other seasons.
Tip Number Four: Use a lighter moisturizer at night
Everyone's skin requires different miniaturization. Lotions are recommended in teh Summer months since they are "lighter than creams".
Using moisturizer along with Loofah-ing are things I never think about when it comes to protecting my skin from the harsher Summer Sunlight.
And using at LEAST using SPF 40 during the Summer.