king county

Health Officials Warning Not To Swim At Some Beaches In WA
Health Officials Warning Not To Swim At Some Beaches In WA
Health Officials Warning Not To Swim At Some Beaches In WA
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water this summer, health officials are advising people to stay out of three lakes connected to popular beaches in King County. Health officials are recommending people and pets steer clear of the waters at Enatai and Houghton Beaches, as well as Andrews Bay Beach at Seward Park in Seattle...
Reasons Why WA State needs to BAN Rainfall
Reasons Why WA State needs to BAN Rainfall
Reasons Why WA State needs to BAN Rainfall
Seems like WA State gets a reputation of being a "Rainy" state. In reality though, that is just the West or "Wet" side of the mountains like King County, and Kitsap County.
THE TINY TOWN: Grace, Washington
THE TINY TOWN: Grace, Washington
THE TINY TOWN: Grace, Washington
If you were to google search Grace, Washington, two things are gonna happen. You’re gonna find 30 stories about someone by the name of Grace Washington or Nancy Grace is reporting on something bad that happened in Washington, long before you find something about this tiny town. Grace sits just off route 522, where if you slow down enough to where the car behind you honks their horn, you’ll see a sign that reads, "Town of Grace. Established in 1906. Population 12".

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