town toyota center

Group Asks City Of Wenatchee To Permanently Ban Circus Animals
Group Asks City Of Wenatchee To Permanently Ban Circus Animals
Group Asks City Of Wenatchee To Permanently Ban Circus Animals
A local animal welfare group known as North Central Washington for Animal Compassion (NCWAC) has asked the City of Wenatchee to permanently ban circus animals from performing within its jurisdictional boundaries. The group presented its request at Thursday's meeting of the Wenatchee City Council where they also offered what they claim is evidence that any and all traveling circuses with animal act
Wenatchee Bighorns Returning For Second Season
Wenatchee Bighorns Returning For Second Season
Wenatchee Bighorns Returning For Second Season
The Wenatchee Bighorns basketball team is returning for a second season. The Bighorns are part of a professional basketball circuit known simply as "The Basketball League", which includes franchises in 38 U.S. cities stretching from places like Providence, Rhode Island to Kokomo, Indiana to Salem, Oregon...
Circus Animals Banned From Town Toyota Center
Circus Animals Banned From Town Toyota Center
Circus Animals Banned From Town Toyota Center
The circus might be coming to town but the animals that are usually a part of it won't be. The Greater Wenatchee Regional Public Facilities District (PFD), which oversees the operations and finances of the Town Toyota Center, has placed a six-month moratorium on exotic circus animals at the venue...
Projekt Bayern Brings Oktoberfest Back To Wenatchee
Projekt Bayern Brings Oktoberfest Back To Wenatchee
Projekt Bayern Brings Oktoberfest Back To Wenatchee
For the second straight year, an Oktoberfest celebration will be held at the Town Toyota Center in Wenatchee. The event is hosted by the Leavenworth group, Projekt Bayern, and will happen over three consecutive weekends starting tomorrow (Friday, Sept...
What is Wenatchee Known For?
What is Wenatchee Known For?
What is Wenatchee Known For?
If you ask Google: “What is Wenatchee known for?” - it gives you:   Wenatchee is referred to as the "Apple Capital of the World" due to the valley's many orchards. The city is also sometimes referred to as the "Buckle of the Power Belt of the Great Northwest". The "Power Belt...
Dinosaurs in Wenatchee WA!?
Dinosaurs in Wenatchee WA!?
Dinosaurs in Wenatchee WA!?
T-Rex, man that's a dino that always freaked me out, maybe it was the depiction I saw via Land Before Time, oh "no no no no noooo"-Ducky...

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