Fans of the hit Netflix series 'Stranger Things' may be in for a literal treat as social media influencers indicate a Scoops Ahoy ice cream line is coming to Walmart.
Let's get those Gardens growing! Maybe you want a new flower bed full of different colors, or maybe you are looking to raise your own garden of veggies. No matter the ideas, let them flourish and find what you need at one of the Garden Centers of the Wenatchee Valley!
We hear more and more bad things happening in our world, and yet it seems we can't do anything to stop it! We can prepare ourselves though. And we can make sure we take steps to ensure our safety in the Wenatchee Valley.
Recent purchases at Walmart and Safeway stores in Washington state have started getting shoppers fed up! Whether in-store or curbside pick-up, these stores need to do better regarding expired food!
Saint Patrick’s Day is so close, you can almost smell the Green Beers that will be poured! Do you have all of your “green” purchased?! Or are you like me and have just about no green colored anything and you have to go out and buy some green stuffs for St. Paddy’s Day? If you are like me, then you’ll appreciate,
Long gone are the days of the average person getting their photo film printed. We have all just dove into the phone pictures, digital pictures to be uploaded to a computer, to even photographers have a “cd” of photos as an option to purchase. But what happens when you want to get an actual photo printed and put into a frame?! Where can we go to locally? If you are like me, when I get photos printed, I want them NOW. Haha No, I don’t want to wait for the photos to be shipped to me.
The company has announced its closing the final two locations at the end of the month because of record breaking retail theft that's impacted the companies bottom line.
Living in Wenatchee has its perks. Beautiful views, awesome people and all around just a really cool community. Heck, I booked it straight to Wenatchee after I graduated from Brewster High School back in 2008. Back then, I loved how there was even something as simple as a radio station that played music I like, and Wenatchee has SHOPPING...