Wenatchee Apple Blossom

When Does Spring Officially Arrive in Wenatchee?
When Does Spring Officially Arrive in Wenatchee?
When Does Spring Officially Arrive in Wenatchee?
Spring is exactly one week away.  Here are a few questions and answers for Springtime in Wenatchee. When does the Sage Hills Trails open back up to the public?  The short answer is April 1st. Sage Hills trails, used for hiking, mountain biking and trail running, are closed to the general public from December 1st to March 31st. You c...
Apple Blossom Pageant Tickets are Now Available - Online
Apple Blossom Pageant Tickets are Now Available - Online
Apple Blossom Pageant Tickets are Now Available - Online
The Apple Blossom Top 10 Candidates for the 104th Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Royalty were announced last week.   Make plans to attend one of the biggest events on the Wenatchee Valley event calendar: The Royalty Selection Pageant  (sponsored by Cashmere Valley Bank)   The Royalty Selection Pageant will happen: Saturday night - February 11th at 7:00pm NUMERICA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER