Prom, that time of year when kids of high school age get to dress to the nines and go out in style! I remember prom being such a big deal when I was in school, and loving getting to wear a fancy dress, getting my makeup done as well as hair and being so excited to go do something that I had literally been looking forward to the evening since I was a little girl!  

Dresses and accessories can be super expensive, even if money “isn’t an issue.” But let’s be real, times are tough but even so, we do what we can to ensure the kids have a great time. And look their best.  

Womens Service League of NCW’s Prom Dress Giveaway 2023 is here to save the day! Mark your calendars for a pretty awesome couple of days in March 

March 25th 10am-4pm and March 26th 11am-3pm 

In the Wenatchee Valley Mall 

I got to go to this event last year and see just what this “giveaway” is all about, I was blown away! 

Picture this, you walk into a store front and see all the beautiful dresses, you see the different sparkles, color schemes and lengths. Find a couple styles you like and head to try them on. You try on the dress you are really wanting to see if it fits, maybe it fits like a glove, maybe it needs tailored a littler, cool part is that there are tailors at the fitting for your dress, so they can make it work for your body! Now, you’ve found your perfect dress, what’s next? Pay for it? NO! It’s the Prom Dress Giveaway! You don’t sign p to win a dress, or even hope that you are one that gets a dress, you DO get that dress and you get to walk out with a smile on your face knowing you just picked up your dream dress for no money.  

Students must bring their school ID and be ready with a smile on their face to brose, pick and dance!  


Concerts, Dances & Socials: 1855-1980s


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