Types of Parents you meet at Sporting Events in WA
Sports for kiddos seem to always be in full swing, your kiddos could be elite or even recreationally playing a sport. Nevertheless, their parents are never too far, which one are you?
Types of Parents You Meet at Kids Sporting Events:
1. The Silent One
This parent is just there for their kiddo. No need to disrupt, this is their time to enjoy watching the fun!
2. The Yeller
They yell to make their kids play better? Not sure but it makes the parent feel good.
3. The Ref
While this parent isn't the actual ref, they think they are.
4. The "Sorry I'm Late!"
Never fear! They made it!!
5. The "My Child Is the Best."
Like, that's cool and all but you don't have to be so boastful!
6. The Team Gossiper
Be aware, if they talk with you about others, they talk about you with others.
7. The Wannabe Coach
While not the coach, they may feel they could do a better job? Let the coaches coach please.
8. The "Ya sure, it's water I'm drinking..."
You think we can't tell, but we can tell.
9. The Team Mom
She may be a tad stressed but she's 100% dedicated to the team, players and her little. Snacks? Team mom has em. Ran out of water? Team mom has more!
10. The Absent One
This one could have a million things going on but the Absent parent is the most noticeable. If you cannot make it to a game, please let the child know why. Nothing worse than looking around and not seeing your biggest supporter not there.
Which parent are you? Would you add any to the list?
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