What are Residents of Washington Obsessed With?

From coffee, Marshawn, and some backyard cornhole. We love this...and a lot more!



We have to have it. I’ll even have a bowl of cereal just before bed. 



Even on a cold day. Ice goes in everything.


Dreaming what would happen if they just gave the ball to Marshawn. 

I’m going to be 90 years old and still mad they didn’t give the ball to Beastmode.


Things being "haunted."

From haunted houses to old hospitals in the middle of nowhere. We love going someplace to get spooked.


Peanut butter.

Creamy or chunky. It doesn’t matter. We can’t run out!


Dog Parks.

I love going to these...and I don't even own a dog!



I’m now starting to pour it into things other than salad: pasta…rice…, and sandwiches. I’m not proud, and I know I’m not alone.



There’s a reason why COSTCO sells them’ “Buy-One-Get-One Free.”


Coffee Stands.

We have coffee in the house. We have Keurig cups for days. Still gotta drop by and say hello to the nice baristas.


The National Anthem.

Do you get emotional hearing it at a Seahawks, Wild, or Mariners game? Same.



Is your Kiddo having a birthday party? Gotta bring the board!!!!!!


Maple Bars.

Whenever someone buys a box of donuts, you must act fast to get one of the only three maple bars available. You snooze, you lose.


The Olive Garden.

When other restaurants come and go, the local Olive Garden stays put. Work at one? You’ll have job security for years to come.


Mac and cheese.

Don’t know what to cook for dinner? Mac and Cheese it is.


Saint Patrick's Day.

We have two shortest St. Patrick's Day parades in our part of Washington. We love being Irish for the day. Presto, just a green T-shirt.



Every Sushi place I visit on the road for my son’s away games - is always packed.

I was going to the gas station for snacks.

We love getting 50 bucks on Pump Four, which includes a microwaved burrito, a bag of bugles, and a big container of Sprite.


Having a nice lawn.

Peer pressure. You must get outside and cut the grass. Live on the wet side of the cascades…How’s that lovely moss treatin’ you?


Happy hour.

Appetizers, well drinks, gotta have it.


Lake Chelan.

I see you and your RV or boat in crazy weekend traffic every summer. I don’t take for granted that I live right here in Vacationland, USA.


Talking about how long it takes to get somewhere.

Driving to the Tri-Cities? How about the Oregon Coast? We always have to know how long it's going to take. And what route will get us there the fastest? Learn from me - if Google Maps tells you to get off I-5 and take the side streets/byway…TAKE IT! (If you don’t, you’ll get stuck in an hour-plus accident traffic.)


Halloween costumes.

You know you are - October 31st is bigger than freakin’ Christmas! Trick or Treat the Ave is the Super Bowl of elementary-aged kiddos.


White Claw.

Besides coffee, this should be the state beverage of Washington.


We are putting marshmallows on everything on Thanksgiving.

Guilty as charged. Crazy fact: Our Canadian friends in BC don’t like marshmallows on anything for their Thanksgiving. Weird right?


Pumpkin Spice.

The coffee stands keep sneaking pumpkin spice lattes to us earlier and earlier. In the August heat? Sure, why not?


10 Washington State Towns That Changed Their Names

Here are 10 towns in Washington State that changed their original names

Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals

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