Wenatchee High School Drama Presents: CLUE
Wenatchee High school Drama Club Presents “Clue”
The high school edition is adapted from the screenplay by Johnathan Lynn.
Directed by Paul Atwood Check out this awesome “Who done it.” by the amazing talent of the Wenatchee High School.
We got to speak with Paul Atwood about the production and one thing that really stood out to me was the fact that there are 8 Seniors in the program! What an amazing “last show.” for these kids!
Was it done in the Ballroom with the candle stick? The Observatory with the wrench? Find out at any one of their amazing show times!
Friday March 10th 7pm
Saturday March 11th 7pm
Thursday March 16th 7pm
Friday March 17th 7pm
Saturday March 18th (Matinée) 2pm
Saturday March 18th 7pm
So many different opportunities to catch this High School Production of Clue, you don’t want to miss out.
These students have been working their fannies off with costumes, set designs and of course the props! The classic “Who done it,” put on by the Wenatchee High School Drama Club!
Find out who done it, laugh, be on the edge of your seat and support the High School Drama Club!
There will be a small intermission, but the production is only about an hour and a half long!
Purchase your tickets at:
Thank you to Paul Atwood for speaking with us about this fantastic show and thank you to the hard-working students who have put their blood sweat and tears into this really cool adaptation of one of the coolest board games, turned Play!
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