Wenatchee Schools Preparing For 3rd Superintendent In 3 Years
Wenatchee schools is preparing for the district's third superintendent in three years.
Interim Superintendent Bill Eagle was hired to lead the district after Paul Gordon announced his sudden departure in April of last year.
School Board President Maria Iñiguez says Eagle has performed well in his temporary roll.
"The just way bill has communicated to the district, to the community, I'm confident the transition to our new superintendent will go smoothly," said Iñiguez at this week's school board meeting.
Eagle's been credited with stabilizing leadership at Wenatchee schools after Gordon's departure.
The school board voted to accept a contract to bring in Eagle on an interim basis last year from the support group North Central Educational Services District, which is Eagle's employer.
Eagle is also a former Wenatchee teacher.
Dr. Kory Kalahar will take over as superintendent on July 1st.
He’s worked for the Wenatchee School District for 24 years and is moving into the superintendent position after working as the Assistant Executive Director of Learning & Teaching, with previous positions as principal and assistant principal.
He's also been tagged as an interim leader and has signed a two-year contract.
Kalahar says he's benefitting from a close association with Eagle.
"We have a unique opportunity with Bill here in the district, with me, myself in the district as well, we can collaborate as much as possible, and have been doing that most of this year," said Kalahar. "But we're just increasing that collaboration will Bill himself, and then our school board."
Kalahar outlined his six-month plan for the board this week. He stressed the need to have a strong finish in his role in the district before establishing himself as superintendent.
Kalahar will take over at a time when the district is cutting its budget by more than $8 million to offset a falloff in enrollment.
In addition, the district’s levy will expire in 18 months. Kalahar will be in charge of getting a new levy before voters.