The Hispanic Business Council and the Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center invite you and your family for a Day of the Dead celebration, today (Tuesday November 1st) 5:30 to 9 PM! Its a free event with craft activities, mariachi and folklorico performances! You can purchase from the Food Truck Court that will be there. Your family is encouraged to bring photographs of lost loved ones.
Here is KW3’s interview with Rosa Pulido from the Museum from yesterday morning:
Connor and Aly:
KW3 Connor and Aly, Rosa is joining us. Good morning!
Rosa Pulido: Good morning!
C&A: Tell everybody who are you what organization you’re with
RP: I’m with the Wenatchee Valley chamber
C&A: oh that’s awesome
RP: yeah I’ve been there about three years now it’s super fun and I get to work with the Hispanic business Council, which is why I’m here today… so we were planning our big event day of the dead. It’s something that I’ve planned every year with the museum since it kind of first started. So even prior to meeting in the chamber it’s just been an event that you know near and dear to my heart, so I love planning this event. We’re gonna have lots of fun. We’re planning to hosted at the museum this year and we’re bringing bringing it back to in person last year. We had a drive-through event which was still very successful but we’re just excited to be back in person.
C&A: So what can people expect to see you when they go?
RP: Yeah so when they come to the event they’ll see a ton of vendors this year we partnered with.. .They’ll have pop-up and thunders there and then will have some food trucks available as well for food and then inside the museum will have a ton of family fun activities so we’ll have some crafts that will get to do with the kids and then will have some live performances from our local mariachis and Folklorico groups Time is so start 530 so the event we kind of extended the hours so 530 to 9 and then we’re hoping to just keep growing it every year that’s awesome 530 to 9.
… it’s free so definitely bring friends family and you know come and enjoy the music, the food and the crafts.
C&A: you had me at food trucks! Thanks so much for coming in
RP: yeah I think you so much for having me
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