Now, mind you, these laws are outdated, and probably won't land you in the slammer, but still WHAT!? I would like to know who invented these laws, and for some of them, WHY did they seem necessary?

5 Washington State Laws That Will Make You Say "Wait, why?!"

1. Lollipops are banned. 

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

While this could be a myth, legislation stays silent on the matter. So it begs the question, "How many lick to get to the center?" We can't legally answer that.

2. You cannot pretend your parents are rich.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

But what if someone's definition of "rich" is different than another person's definition?

3. No person may walk about in public with the common cold.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

"I can't come in, I have a cold. That would require walking into "public.""

4. Harassing Bigfoot/Sasquatch is a felony. 

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

No bullying, ya bully!


5. You cannot buy meat on Sunday. 

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Whoa, wait a minute... Does this mean I have a warrant out for my arrest? "Officer! I only had one day to go to WinCo!"

Bonus *

6. You cannot sleep in an outhouse without the owner's permission.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

But the outhouses are usually so small, how do you sleep in one?? Standing?? I mean to each their own, but I'd at least want 2ply for a pillow.

Ok, now that we know of some of the absurd laws in Washington State, let's try our best to stay in line.

*Says, me while eating a lollipop.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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