Harley Davidson dealerships are spread out all over Washington, from Silverdale to Spokane Valley and on down to Vancouver. The other day in my office I thought randomly, I wonder what are the most expensive Harley Davidsons for sale in Washington state? This was a random thought because I don't even own a motorcycle. 

If you want to know the cost of the priciest Harleys, you will have to either call or email a dealer for a price quote. You can also schedule a test drive of a Harley in person at the dealership. I don’t like that Harley dealers are very secretive and won't reveal those dang prices of brand new ones (probably because they know Harleys can be rather seductive).

When I was a teen, my dad used to tell me all the time that he did not want me ever riding on a motorcycle because of a horrible motorcycle accident he had in his youth. He still had a deep scar right above his lip to prove it. While part of me back then wanted to ride a motorcycle just to make my dad mad (the rebel in me), I also was a worry-wart by nature. So the last thing my early 20-something nerves needed was to be too scared to get on the back of a badass bike!

Now that I’m older, part of me still yearns to ride a motorcycle (even if it’s just a Vespa to start). Before I show you all of the beautiful and priciest motorcycles in Washington, let’s first answer some common questions people (who have never driven a motorcycle before but are curious) might have.

Do you have to get a special Driver’s License when you get a motorcycle?

They don’t call it a motorcycle driver’s license, they call it an “endorsement”. There are two types of endorsements: a 2-wheel or 3-wheel.

How old do you have to be to operate a motorcycle?

In Washington state, you have to be at least 16 years old to get a motorcycle permit and endorsement. If you are under 18 years old, your parent will have to sign all documents before you can get  your permits/endorsements. 

Do Motorcycles run on gas?

For those of us newbies who know nothing about motorcycles, we wonder if they run on diesel, unleaded gas, or what. The best recommended type of gas to put in your motorcycle is high-octane unleaded.

Where to apply for Motorcycle driving license near you in Washington?

In order to drive a motorcycle in Washington, you need to get what is called a 2-wheel or 3-wheel endorsement (it’s not called a driver’s license). You’ll have to study and practice driving so that you can pass the written and skills Permit Knowledge tests.

Where can I take motorcycle driving classes near me?

The Washington State Department of Transportation offers this list of locations near you for motorcycle driving schools and this list for trike and sidecar and trike schools.

How much do motorcycle endorsements cost in Washington?

Permits are $15.

“Washington State requires you to pass a total of four tests to get a two-wheel motorcycle endorsement.  First you must pass the permit level Knowledge and Skills tests and then the endorsement level Knowledge and Skills tests. These motorcycle tests need to be completed in order.” - Washington Motorcycle Safety Training (gomst.com)


Are we required by State Law to have to have motorcycle insurance like we do with car insurance?

If your motorcycle/bike goes over 30 mph, then you will have to get a motorcycle endorsement and are required by law to carry insurance for your motorized vehicle.

Here are some of the Washington state locations where you can find a Harley Davidson (of your dreams).

  • Bellevue

Eastside Harley

2350 136th Pl NE

  • Tri-Cities

Rattlesnake Mountain Harley-Davidson

3305 W 19th Ave, Kennewick

  •  Lacey

Northwest Harley-Davidson

8000 Freedom Ln NE

  •  Lynwood

Emerald City Harley-Davidson

5711 188th St SW

  •  Marysville

Sound Harley-Davidson

16212 Smokey Point Blvd

  •  Renton

Jet City Harley-Davidson

3715 E Valley Road

  • Seattle

Mt. Rainier Harley-Davidson

1001 Alaskan Way

  • Silverdale

Destination Harley-Davidson of Silverdale

9625 Provost Road NW

  • Spokane Valley

Lone Wolf Harley-Davidson

19011 E Cataldo Ave

  • Tacoma

Destination Harley-Davidson - Tacoma

2302 Pacific Hwy East

  •  Yakima

Apple State Powersports

1707 N 1st St


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Now, let’s check out those bike beauties!


Eastside Harley 2020 LiveWire Motorcycle




2022 Tri Glide Ultra Motorcycle Harley Davidson
Harley-Davidson Street Glide Special
Tacoma Harley 2021 Touring Glide Special
Tacoma Harley 2021 CVO Limited
2022 Special Touring FLTRXS Harley Davidson
NW Harley - 2020 Street Glide Special
Marysville - Sound Harley - 2021 Touring Road Glide Limited
Renton - Jet City Harley - 2021 Limited CVO
Eastside Harley - 2017 CVO Limited
Harley Davidson FLHTK Ultra Limited
Spokane Valley - Lone Wolf Harley - 2022 FLHXS

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