Predators and Birds of Prey in our Backyard
Recently, my wife mentioned seeing a large bird of prey swooping into the backyard. Our two cats were getting their “outside time” and dove into the bushes.
The bird had a white chest with brownish specks on its chest. We looked it up online and found it is the number one, most commonly seen bird of prey in North Central Washington - The Red-tailed Hawk.
After getting the cats inside, we witnessed the Red-tailed hawk digging and clawing into the backyard lawn - seemingly looking for worms (?)
Here are the most common birds of prey in North Central Washington:
1 - Red-tailed Hawk
Doing some research - your cat or dog isn’t necessarily in danger of this 4 to 5-pound bird. Red-tailed hawks swoop down (up to 120 mph) to mainly capture small rodents. Keep an eye out if your pet is as small as a squirrel.
2 - Bald Eagle
The adult bald eagle - with its white head, white tail feathers, and bright golden beak is the most easily identified bird of prey. This majestic bird - the symbol of America - typically lives for 20 to 30 years in the wild. The American Bald Eagle (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)
3 - Northern Goshawk
Hunts by perching quietly at mid-levels in trees, on the lookout for unsuspecting small birds—even larger birds such as grouse and the common crow. Goshawks also prey on squirrels, rabbits, snowshoe hares, snakes, and insects.
4 - Golden Eagle
Known as the big boy of the bunch - it's just as large as the Bald Eagle.
But the Golden Eagle preys upon larger animals, like foxes and even young deer on occasion. Its main diet is mainly small mammals, lizards, birds, and insects.
5 - American Kestrel
They look for their prey from a treetop or the ledge of a high cliff, then zoom down to grab insects, birds, or bats in flight.
6 - Osprey
Every day here in North Central Washington, there are lakes and rivers. Osprey is often seen flying over the water and plunging feet to catch fish. Bald Eagles sometimes chase Ospreys and force them to drop their catch. Landowners and business owners make nesting sites high up and near the river in several places- from Leavenworth to the Wenatchee Valley.
7 - Northern Harrier
Visually, it has the appearance of an owl. Much like owls, it hunts while soaring high or low levels - or from a tree top. Unlike owls, the Northern Harrier relies not on sight - but by its great sense of hearing. The Harrier will hop down to ground level - listen for small mammals coming to the surface of its hole and snag a meal. Its diet is mainly small mammals and birds.
8 - Great Horned Owl
Hunts mostly at night, sometimes at dusk. Watches from a high perch - then swoops down to capture small mammals, some birds - up to the size of geese (!), ducks, hawks, and smaller owls.
9- Cooper's Hawk
A medium-sized hawk of the woodlands, it feeds on birds and small mammals and hunts by stealth, approaching its prey through dense cover before pouncing.
INFO: NCW Audubon