Sweeten Life with Customized Treats from Sugar Momma Sweets
Ok, it finally happened, I tried a Macaroon for the first time! Yes it took me 34 years, and man was I impressed! Now, I don't know if I was more impressed with how amazingly it was made, or if I was highly impressed by Sugar Momma Sweets.
So many different flavors of YUM!
Sugar Momma Sweets, Cashmere WA
"It all started as a hobby. But now, our love of baking and decorating cookies for your special occasion has become our business!" - Bio on Facebook
What really sparked my personal interest was a recent Bake Sale put on by the Cashmere High School Senior Class of 2024.
There was thee coolest cookie to buy, and you bet your butt I did!
What you see in the picture above is a "Canvas Cookie" as I'd call it.
Edible "Watercolor" paint equipped with a paint brush!
Does it work? You tell me... (See Below)
I'd say, YES, absolutely!
Not only did my mom heart fill with joy, simply because my daughter felt like Picasso, then got to eat it! (Better than a non-edible Picasso if you ask me...)
They make the "Canvas Cookies" available per seasons too!
Not Just Cookies - Have your next Birthday cake made by them! YUM
Even take a dip in one of their take-home kits!
Made fresh daily, and located right in the heart of Cottage Ave. in Cashmere WA
For More information:
Sugar Momma Sweets on Instagram
Sugar Momma Sweets on Facebook
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