Can You Legally Park in Front of Someone’s House in Washington?
It happens every so often. You’re invited to someone’s backyard BBQ. You and a dozen or more people have been invited - and because of limited parking spaces in the host’s driveway - you have to park somewhere in the neighborhood. A dreaded thought goes through my mind: Can I legally park on the curb, directly in front of someone’s home?
Oh no - they’re looking at me through the window. Is this even legal? How long can I stay here?

Fortunately, our lawmakers in Olympia have posted the Washington law concerning parking in front of someone else's house.
Parking in front of a private home in Washington
It is legal to park along the street in front of someone else's property. The street in front of their property is okay.
You can't park in their driveway - or within their property line without permission.
Can I ask someone not to park in front of my house?
Is there a time limit for parking in front of someone’s home in WA?
Yes, there is a 24 hour limit for your vehicle. Going away on vacation? You can’t leave it sitting there for more than a day.
You DO have some additional boundaries to obey
When you park your vehicle on the sidewalk - you cannot obstruct pedestrian traffic.
What if you have to park partially on the Sidewalk?
On First Street in Wenatchee - it's common to park partially on the sidewalk due to its narrow passage for both directions of traffic flow. If you partially park on the sidewalk, here or in other places around Washington - make sure there is enough space for someone to still comfortably walk past.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure that disabled pedestrians could still make it by with their walkers or motorized scooter.
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff