The Food & Drug Administration has warned about shellfish harvested here in the Pacific Northwest - from Oregon and Washington.

Warning concerns certain Shellfish from Oregon and Washington

The FDA has a new warning about oysters and bay clams from several harvesting locations, here in the Northwest:

Food Network New York City Wine & Food Festival presented by Capital One - Sunset Sips at Sea presented by The Social Shell hosted by Elena Besser and Eden Grinshpan
Jemal Countess/Getty Images for NYCWFF

Shellfish from two Oregon locations: 

Netarts Bay and Tillamook Bay. They were harvested on or after May 28th, 2024.

Shellfish from four processing locations in Washington: 

Willapa Bay and Stony Point. The shellfish were harvested between May 26th and May 30th, 2024. 

Bay Center, harvested between May 29th - May 30th, 2024

Bruceport, harvested between May 29th - May 30th, 2024

Drakes Bay Oyster Company Marks Closing After Feds Deny Use Of Federal Lands
Getty Images

Consuming Toxic Shellfish May Cause Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning

The FDA warns the fish "may be contaminated with the toxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning."

‘Food containing paralytic toxins may look, smell, and taste normal. These toxins cannot be removed by cooking or freezing. Consumers of these products who are experiencing symptoms of illness should contact their healthcare provider and report their symptoms to their local Health Department’ - FDA

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The FDA sent a tainted food alert to grocery stores, restaurants, and consumers in AZ, CA, CO, HI, NV, NY, OR, and WA.

Restaurants and food retailers in the states listed above - who recently purchased the products are warned not to serve or sell the products and for all residents to not eat the items.

Red Tide Puts Strain On Clam Industry In Cape Cod
Getty Images

Here are the Symptoms of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning

Most people with paralytic shellfish poisoning will notice the symptoms within 30 minutes of consuming.

The symptoms include:

  • Respiratory paralysis
  • Tingling of the lips, mouth, and tongue
  • Numbness of arms and legs
  • “Pins and needles” sensation
  • Weakness
  • Loss of muscle coordination
  • A floating feeling
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
Woman not feeling good
Biserka Stojanovic

If You or Your Loved One Survives the First 24 Hours - You’ll Be Okay

‘For patients surviving 24 hours, with or without respiratory support, the prognosis is considered good, with no lasting side effects. In fatal cases, death is typically due to asphyxiation’ - FDA

Immediately consult your doctor If you think you’ve developed similar symptoms.

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These are the top 10 foods most likely to be recalled, according to Consumer Reports. However, that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy them if you take steps to stay safe.

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