We have all been there in one way or another... Homework.

I hated when the teacher would say, "Alright class, for tonight's homework..." followed by grumbles (me included). We just studied all day, now you want me to go back home and study more?! Ugh, fine!

I found some helpful tips for those with homework, and ho to tackle the "end of day studying."

Homework Tips:

1. An Environment that is learning friendly.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

A quiet space that has good lighting and maybe a favorite beverage.

2. A Quiet Area, Free of Distractions

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

No dogs constantly barking, kids yelling, let the focus be the homework.

3. Schedule homework that best fits YOUR family.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Maybe doing homework right after school doesn't fit for your household. That's OK!

4. Does the Student have a difficult time concentrating? Break Up Study Time.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

No one said it had to be done in the single study time, just for that evening, so why not break it up, 15mins here, 15 mins there, however it can work for you.


5. Enjoy activities AFTER study time.

Photo Credit: Aly/Canva
Photo Credit: Aly/Canva

Maybe this works in your household, or maybe a nice snack before diving back into the studies helps better.

No matter what works for you, let's not forget, studying IS learning and having an enviroment that is calm, is always best!

For more ideas, click here.

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