Wenatchee Area Memorial Day Services
The 155th Annual Memorial Day services in Wenatchee and East Wenatchee are set for Monday, May 29th under direction of the Wenatchee Patriotic Council.
The Patriotic Council represents the Wenatchee Valley Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post #3617 and Auxiliary, East Wenatchee, John Kendrick Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, American Legion, Post #10 and Unit #10 Auxiliary, Wenatchee, Civil Air Patrol, Pangborn Composite Squadron
Four Memorial Day Services will honor the sacrifices of members of the Armed Forces: United States Army-United State Marine Corps-United States Navy-United States Air Force-United States Space Force-United States Coast Guard-WA National Guard-Wartime Merchant Marine
Memorial Day Services schedule of events;
9:00 a.m. Wenatchee City Cemetery
- Memorial Day Proclamation and Address Mayor Frank Kuntz
Laying of Wreaths
- U.S. Armed Forces Gold Star Mothers
- Military Order of the Purple Heart John Kendrick Chapter NSDAR
- Veterans of Foriegn Wars #3617 Aux
- American Legion Post #10 Aux, Wartime Merchant Marine
- Benediction Chaplain Sarah Simonson
- Firing Team Salute and Taps
- Retire the Colors
10:00 a.m. Columbia River Pedestrian Bridge
In memory of those lost at sea, a wreath will be dedicated and released from mid-span of the bridge into the Columbia River by East Wenatchee Mayor Jerrilea Crawford and Wenatchee Mayor Frank Kuntz
11:00 a.m. Evergreen Memorial Cemetery
- Memorial Day Proclamation and Address Mayor Jerrilea Crawford
Laying of Wreaths
- U.S. Armed Forces Gold Star Mothers
- Military Order of the Purple Heart John Kendrick Chapter NSDAR
- Veterans of Foreign Wars #3617 Aux
- American Legion Post #10 Aux, Wartime Merchant Marine
- Benediction Chaplain Sarah Simonson
- Firing Team Salute and Taps
- Retire the Colors
12:00 p.m. Pybus Market Flag Ceremony
The Memorial Day ceremony will include a convocation and a patriotic speech, the playing of "Taps" and an Honor Guard will fire three volleys in a salute to the Fallen. A benediction will close the ceremony