Deeper Thoughts of Washington State (A Parody)
You ever just sit and wonder silly things? For instance, "Smart TVs aren't actually smart until they know how to bring the volume up when they hear us chewing loudly."
Yes, I'll reiterate, silly thoughts. I am not afraid to admit that yes, I do waste my precious time wondering things that mean absolutly nothing to the next person. So, with that, I bring to you...
Deeper Thoughts: Washington State Edition
But for real though, there would have been a ton of clothes to wash, or not wash, up to them really.
If you live in Washington State, you for sure know the struggle is real!
"Ohhh, I have friends. that live on the East Coast!" -Says everyone who thinks you mean "Washington DC"
Like I get that it could be how the people speak around you, to which it was influenced, but to be clear, THERE IS NO "R" IN WASHINGTON.
Think about it, like what if the guys name was "Leonard Smith," would we be "Smith"?!
As I write this, I am wearing my North Face wind breaker. I may or may not have gotten a new one every year almost since High school. I may or may not be a 33 year old female who has no desire to hike or trail run, but I will "sport" the attire.
Well, hahaha that was fun, and I throughly enjoyed sharing my "deep thoughts" on Washington State with you! Keep scrolling for more fun.
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