Wenatchee Valley’s Tried and True
I have touched base on things “I have yet to do” in the Wenatchee Valley, and it’s quit the list, a list of super fun things to do, and I fully intend on accomplishing said items. But I have done some pretty sweet things in the valley that maybe you need to try/do as well!
Attend a concert at The Gorge Ampitheater in George WA. - If you have not attended a show at the Gorge, are you even a Washington resident?! For real though, such a beautiful outside venue with some pretty amazing acts that come through every year!
Ate and shopped around Pybus Public Market – Wanna find some cool items to bring home to the family? Fresh produce? A fun meal? Maybe even just a change of scenery. Pybus is that place to be!
Ate at Atlas Fare - Looking for a 5-star dinner in the heart of Wenatchee? Atlas Fare, thank my later.
Watched Softball games at Walla Walla Point Park – Catch a game in the spring/summer months at Walla Walla Park, there’s men's league, women's league and co-ed leagues, heck maybe even join a league!
Boating on the Columbia River - Don’t have a boat? Find a friend that does and go enjoy the water! (When the weather is warmer)
Shopped at Hooked on Toys – Seems silly to add to the list, but after working there for about 7 years, I came to realize that people who even just come to stay in Leavenworth will make the trip into Wenatchee just to shop at this jaw dropping store!
Attended an Apple Sox game- So much fun to be had at the ball field! Hot Dog, cracker jacks and a nice warm evening for baseball, sign me up!
I could sit here and list so many more things I’ve been lucky to do in the valley, but I’ll save the rest for another article. Have you done any from the list above?
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