Dribbling in Cashmere WA
It’s game day in Cashmere WA, and the players are getting geared up for another fun night of Bulldog Basketball. I have gotten myself and my little girl Jenna, ready for the games, and for us to show up ready to help the cheer squad. The first game begins for Varsity Girls. I find out that there will be a “little kids dribbling camp” on the court for the “halftime performance.” Thinking, “Wow! Cute! Wish I would have gotten my little one on that, show off her 5yr old skills.”
The game is in full swing. Jenna decided that she wants to watch kids YouTube in the area where the cheerleaders warm up, it’s quieter and she just wanted to eat snacks while she enjoyed her favorite show. I’m sitting in the stands watching the game, and she comes up to me with a shirt. “Hey mom look! A nice lady gave me this dribbling shirt to wear!” Kinda surprised, I said, “make sure to thank them!” Knowing the halftime performance that was about to come up after the second quarter, my mom brain just went to, “Oh, the group must have had extra shirts or something.”
Keep in mind, I am an assistant coach, and the main coach for the cheer squad was in the cheerleaders warm up area for a few minutes and the “little kids dribbling camp” was getting ready in the same area. All of this is happening around my little girl Jenna. Main Coach comes out to the gym, sits next to me and says, “I didn’t know Jenna was in the dribble camp!” Stunned, I look to her and say... “Um, she’s not!” Coach, “Well she is now!”
I run, I’m talking, RUN to the warmup area and straight to miss Jenna. She went from wearing a cute bow, cream colored sweater and purple pants to wearing a “Dribbling Camp” shirt, arm sweat band and a smile from ear to ear about joining something, she honestly had no idea about.
I spoke with one of the mentors for the kids, and they said, “She can totally join! If she wants!” Jenna jumps up and down saying “Yes please mom!” How do I say no to that?!
Halftime starts, the Boy Varsity Basketball team has all the kids trail them onto the court and run the perimeter. Then all the kids line up in their pre-planned groups, Jenna hops into a random one, and starts doing “dribbling drills.” I had no idea she even knew how to dribble and here this spontaneous, excited, driven little girl was, bouncing the ball and waving through cones. I honestly couldn’t believe how cool it was that she just took it upon herself, no fear in her bones and just went for it!
Moral of the story... The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and this mom couldn’t be happier to see the initiative in her eyes. Though I will make sure she doesn’t speak to strangers a bit more, it was still so cool / funny / and heartwarming. My little go getter!
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