Eastmont District Will Try To Fast Track Another Vote On Bond
The Eastmont School Board will hold a special meeting Thursday to consider bringing the same bond package currently falling short of passage to another public vote.
The deadline for filing for the next election in April is Friday, the same day this month's election will be certified.
Eastmont School District Superintendent Becky Berg says they want to get back on the ballot quickly because the current vote is only losing by a razor-thin margin.
"We don't want to lose the window of energy," said Berg. "And we feel that 59 point something is a large percentage that we can't ignore."
The Eastmont School Board will have to approve the new bond effort before it can move forward.
The current bond is getting 59.49 percent of the vote, just short of the 60 percent requirement.
Berg says the goal is to get the bond back on the ballot while the issue is still top of mind.
"I think we're one of the closest bonds in the state, just a Hail Mary to get it over the goal line," Berg said. "I mean, when you've got 59.42 percent, you've got a majority of your community saying yes, just not at that magical 60 percent."
The district is hoping to FastTrack its efforts at the Thursday special meeting as paperwork will have to be filed by Friday.
There's also an expectation action can be taken Thursday on the appointment of committee members to write statements both for and against the bond to be included in the Douglas County Local Voters’ Pamphlet for the April election.
News releases announcing the special school board meeting and a solicitation for committee members to write the for and against statements were sent out just before 3 pm Tuesday.
Those interested should send their name, address, phone number, and which position they represent to: Eastmont School District, Attn: Brandy Fields, 800 Eastmont Ave, East Wenatchee, WA 98802, or via email to Brandy Fields, Superintendent's Executive Secretary at fieldsb@eastmont206.org by 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 22, 2024.
The special school board meeting takes place at 5:30 pm Thursday in the Eastmont Administration Office Board Room, located at 800 Eastmont Ave, East Wenatchee, WA 98802
The current measure would fund renovations and expansions at Lee, Cascade, Kenroy, and Rock Island elementary school buildings.
If the bond defies the current numerical odds and ends up passing, voters will see the same combined tax rate as 2023 of $2.92 per 1,000 of assessed property value.
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Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby