Thankful in Cashmere WA
Tis the Season to be thankful, to hear stories of why people are thankful and who they may be thankful for! I for one am so thankful to be living in the Cashmere city limits. To me, Cashmere reminds me of “home.” (I’m from Brewster/Pateros WA area) Living in the small community, there’s “small community” things that happen every day, but this story, is ongoing and warmed my heart more than the Sahara Desert!
Pioneer Market, on Pioneer Rd in Cashmere, is a small convenient store with lots of goodies, a hot case and table n chairs for your “old timers” to come in and have their morning cup of joe. The store is right on a corner next to the Cashmere High School and the Cashmere Middle school, the elementary school is just down the way... So, it comes to no surprise that you would see school aged kids frequenting the store. Living just around the corner, I also partake in purchasing stuff as well.
The other day, I’m waiting at checkout in Pioneer Market, and about three kiddos were ahead of me in line grabbing different items. Their total came out to $20.19. They only had a 20-dollar bill. Cashier says, “don’t worry, I have the 19cents!” Kids grab their goodies and head on down the way. I hop up to the register, pay for my items and tell the cashier to “keep the change,” as well as mentioned how sweet it was for him to cover the change for the kids. What he said and did next shocked me!
Cashier- “The owner and all of us hear, “’Keep the change!” from little kids in the area all the time, so we set this up for them.””
He whips out a Tupperware bowl filled with change! The cashier mentioned that, they “keep the change” in this Tupperware for “just in case.” Moments like the purchase before me, and they at one point counted up the “kept change” which ended up adding to just over $80 bucks! The cashier did mention they want to do something special for the kids in the area, and I say, “heck! keep all my change from here on out!”
Not only do I find it sweet that, the market keeps the change to the side for the kiddos, but also, think of those kids for a moment... They probably have heard their parents say “keep the change!” or what have you, but they are saying it none the less... They are practicing “pay it forward” without even realizing it, that is something to be thankful for!