Single in Wenatchee – Valentine’s Day Plans
Valentine's day will look a little different for me this year! I’ll be my own Valentine! And while I’ve always believed, even in a relationship,
Valentine's day, is just a day, let's celebrate our love every day!
Easier said than done when you are a parent and life is happening all around you, and sometimes Valentine’s Day is exactly what someone needs to remember to slow down and enjoy each other's company.
Take a Hike – No seriously, a nice brisk Feb. Day and up Saddle Rock you go? Sounds mind clearing to me 😊
Watch a Movie – Ok, so seems pretty “date like,” I get that, but what about a horror movie or a movie that makes you laugh so hard you forget what day it even is!
Atlas Fare – Infact, book now, take a friend, a family member, or even just treat yourself to some really tasty (and fancy) food!
If you’re gunna buy the ice cream and have sort of a “sulk session,” get Ben & Jerry’s Wake and No Bake ice cream. So good, and if you grab a spoon, take a drive to the top of Wenatchee Heights and enjoy the view!
Hobby Lobby – Go in, wonder, buy, find a new hobby, maybe even pick up some paints and canvas boards and go to town painting, I love getting paint on my hands and sitting back after I’ve played and seeing what I’ve come up with. Very soothing to the soul to put paint to canvas.
Go to our Local NCW Library and check a book out! Maybe even that book you keep hearing about that you don’t quite want to buy, check it out! (Don’t forget to return it though!)
Find a recipe and make it! I’m not saying, go pin a bunch of recipes on your Pinterest to then ignore them, I truly mean, get out of your comfort zone and make like a Chicken Piccata or something “Fancy,” because you can!
Write a letter to yourself. Seems silly but sometimes, you need to hear for You. Put pen to paper and manifest, harness, remember, just let it all out! It’s almost like a personal therapy session.
Single Parents n have the kiddos? Make a themed dinner! Heart Shaped breakfast for dinner! Heart Shaped Pancakes, Eggs, maybe heart shaped sausage. I mean, if you can mold it, you can definitely make hearts out of them!
Breathe - Seems like anytime I write about “Top 10 things...” I always come back around to “Just Breathe.” But really, take time for you to tune back into yourself and give yourself Grace. This year you may be single, may the next year as well and maybe not?! But do remember, you are loved, you are Kind and You Are Worth It.
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